Digital Marketing

Boosts your website traffic!


Get more leads, customers and traffic organically, no need to pay for advertisement. SEO can help.



SEO Optimized Articles

We built articles that will outrank your competition in quality score... Seriously

On Page SEO

Get your webpages as optimized as possible

Dedicated Panel

View your SEO progress within a dedicated panel

Take Control


Digital Experience


Keyword Tracking

Track keyword rankings and watch yourself reach top results.


Backlink Monitoring

 Monitor backlinks as you grow.


Custom Reports

View your personalised reports with ease


SEO Tools

Use advanced SEO tools to monitor your SEO Progress.


Site Audit

Perform a site audit for errors.

SEO Packages

Customs plans are available too.




From £300

Local Ranking Focus

Website SEO Health Check

Basic On-Site Optimisation

Local Keyword Research

Technical SEO Recommendations & Fixes

Google Analytics/Business Listing Setup

Link Building

Rank Tracking

Dedicated Reporting Panel



(No Contract)




From £500

Nationwide/Global Ranking Focus

Website SEO Health Check

On-Site Optimisation

Keyword Research/Monitoring

Technical SEO Recommendations & Fixes

Google Analytics/Business Listing Setup

Search Engine Integration (Google, Microsoft, Yandex, etc)

Top-Ranking Written blog articles

Link Building (DA 20+)

Rank Tracking

Dedicated Reporting Panel

(No Contract)




From £500

Social Media Marketing

PPC (Campaign Setup)

Email Marketing Campaign

Website Speed Optimisation

Conversions Tracking

Video Content

HeatMap Integration


(Pick and choose what you need)


Contact Form

We are always happy to help. Just fill out the contact form, and our experienced team of SEO specialists will get back to you within 24 hours!

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Get free SEO Audit worth £100


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What we do

SEO is important because it can help businesses attract more visitors from search engines, which can lead to more conversions and sales.

Search Engine Optimisation


If you are not familiar with the term, search optimization is the process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website or web page in search engine results pages (SERPs). This can be done through a variety of methods, including optimizing the website content, structure, and on-page elements like titles, metatags, and anchor text.


At HostMeNow, we make sure to optimise your web page to the fullest. Our SEO packages are perfect for helping your business reach its maximum potential online. With our team of experts, we are committed to creating the best possible version of your website.


Enhanced Keyword Research


SEO keyword research is the process of finding and selecting the best keywords to target for your website. The goal is to find terms that are both relevant and have low competition, so you can rank higher in search results and gain valuable high traffic!


 This type of analysis is one of the first steps in any SEO campaign and helps to find phrases relevant to your business, such as help queries. We would then target and create top-ranking optimised page SEO content for those queries (in the form of blogs) and capture the organic traffic.


We Analyse Competitors


Competitor analysis is a key part of any successful digital marketing strategy. By studying our rivals, we can learn what works and what doesn't, and apply this knowledge to our own campaigns.


By analysing the successes and failures of our rivals, we can learn from their success or mistakes and develop strategies that will give us an edge over them. We can also identify gaps in the market that can be filled by our own products or services or find opportunities for collaborations with other businesses. In short, competitor analysis helps us to build a comprehensive overview of the market, allowing us to make informed decisions about how to best position you for success.



We Use The Right Tools


We use industry-standard marketing tools for SEO, such as Ahrefs and Semrush. This is important since it allows us to do in-depth research into your competitors and see where we can improve your SEO. It's crucial to stay ahead of the curve. So we make sure to have the latest tools to make all the difference.


We also provide a detailed analytics dashboard to help our customers track the success of their campaigns. With these tools in hand, our clients can be sure that they are making smart decisions with their SEO choices. We believe that using professional-grade marketing tools is one of the best investments any business can make to grow its brand and reach new customers.

Optimised Content Articles


At HostMeNow, we write optimised AI content articles that are developed to outrank the competition within the Google algorithm. Using advanced techniques, we target high-volume search queries without difficulty. With high-ranking articles, you can be sure your optimised on-page SEO articles will receive high-quality traffic. And each article targets 20+ keywords!


We're confident that we can provide a high-quality and valuable service and help your website rank across the UK and the world. If you're interested in learning more, please don't hesitate to reach out.



Professional SEO Services to Expand Your Online Business


Professional SEO services can be a great asset to online businesses to help expand their reach and visibility. With dedicated SEO services from an affordable agency, businesses can rest assured that their website is being optimized for the most effective results.


Whether you're a small, medium, or large-sized business, HostMeNow has a unique plan fit for your business website requirements.




Affordable SEO services that deliver real results


Our range of Affordable SEO services can be a great way to drive more traffic to your website. SEO services focus on optimizing your website for relevant keywords so that it ranks higher in search engine results. When done correctly, these strategies can help you get a higher ranking for your website and increase organic traffic. With our low costing plans, you don't have to spend a lot of money to take advantage of this powerful marketing tool. It's an investment not an expense.






Local & Global SEO Services


Location based plans are categorised in three major sets (Global, National, and Local SEO Services)

Depending on where your customers originate, will determine what SEO service you need.


Local & national packages are developed to help your business become more visible in your local market or national region, I.e. UK. Whereas global optimisation can help you increase the visibility of your product or service globally and expand your customer base further.


  With the right plan, you can create an optimised website that helps you build trust with potential customers, attract more leads and grow your business.







Pricing Explained

The price is amazing value for your money - Unlike other low costing SEO services that can compromise you in quality and put you at risk of SERP blacklisting, we do everything right!


Our SEO Packages are designed to provide the best possible results for your website on search engines. We use a combination of on-page and off-page SEO techniques to boost your ranking and get you more visibility.


  • We write keyword optimised articles - Using advanced AI tools.

These target high traffic low difficulty keywords.


  • Dedicated client control panel - Track your progress.


  • Professional Marketers - Tech startup trained.


Our monthly SEO packages are affordable for small, medium and large businesses, so everyone can benefit from our expertise. We only work with experienced SEO experts, who have been in the industry for years, so you can rest assured that you will be getting the best service and results. Plus, our low cost SEO packages offer great value for money, so you can get quality SEO services – all at an affordable price.


- Our pricing is also flexible, please contact if want to discuss.


What’s right for me? Should you pay more for an SEO package?

When it comes to deciding what’s right for you, local SEO packages are a great place to start. However, it’s important to remember that not all SEO packages are created equal, and the cost of each one can vary greatly. If you are looking for a comprehensive package that includes an SEO audit, technical SEO, on-page and off-page SEO, and written articles that drive huge traffic then you may want to pay more for a higher quality service (Business SEO packages or bespoke SEO package).


A good SEO campaign should include a comprehensive analysis of your website, competitors and its content, as well as ongoing monitoring and optimization. If you have the budget, it may be worth paying extra for the additional services that come with a more expensive package. Ultimately, if you are serious about improving your search engine rankings then investing in an effective SEO package is one of the best decisions you can make.


How long does SEO take?

SEO takes time and it's not an instant effect. You may not see results for several months. This is determined on several factors (Site Age, Content Quality, Backlinks). But rest assured long term effects will be great!



SEO or paid ads?

Paid ads are a great way to get immediate results, but over time they can become quite expensive. SEO is a more affordable and long-term solution that can yield better results than paid ads. By optimizing your website for search engines, you can rank higher in the results pages and attract more qualified traffic.


Do you offer custom SEO packages

Yes, please contact us for a quote. Be as descriptive as possible so we can asses your needs.



Will I get progress updates?

Of course! you will get monthly progress updates on your SEO and website health. Additionally you get your very own website admin panel, in which you can monitor your SEO progress.



Is your SEO work done in-house?

We have a small team of SEO specialists, some of which have experience working for Silicon Valley-based tech startups. So you can be sure the quality will be outstanding.


Included in our SEO Packages?

SEO packages are designed to maximize your website’s visibility in search engine results. Our affordable SEO packages provide a variety of services that can help you improve your ranking, such as keyword research, content optimization, link building, and on-page optimization. We strive to provide the most cost-effective and efficient SEO services available.


Our cheap SEO packages are suitable for both small businesses and large corporations who are looking to improve their online presence. Through our extensive research and analysis, we have crafted our SEO packages to ensure that you get the best value for money. With our expertise and experience, you can be sure that your website will get the attention it deserves from the major search engines without breaking the bank.



Take me back to pricing


Remember that custom SEO Plans available to help you achieve your online marketing goals!

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